Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Post Installation - Configuration

Since there are several issues in the installation file, we alter the configuration of the default settings of the ProFrame b163 installer.

Database Recreation
If you find the some error messages in the Web Admin, the installer probably insert all required data into database inappropriately. To resolve the problem, we need to delete the some lines from the database script because they prevent the installer from working properly. The database script files are located in the following folder.

%ProFrame root path%/lib/sql

In the above path, you can find the following files.
  • dev_oracle_tables.sql
  • pfm_oracle_tables.sql
  • pfm_sequence.sql
  • conv_node_name.sql
  • dev_oracle_data.sql
  • pfm_oracle_data.sql
  • sample_tables_n_data.sql
  • all_oracle_alter
  • pfm_oracle_node_n_container_info.sql
  • sample_data.sql
  • conv_node_name.sql
Once you locate the files, just open it and delete the broken characters which are mainly in the comments of the script. Then, delete all tables and sequences from your proframe database using database client tool such as SQLPlus. Finally, run the modified script files using the database tool in the above sequence.

Metadata configuration

Once you successfully update the database through the above step, it is time to change metadata configuration. You can accomplish this configuration step using Web Admin. However, direct changes using database tools are strongly recommended. Just change switch the contents in the PHYSICAL_NAME and LOGICAL_NAME of the following rows in the DEV_PROPERTY and DEV_RESOURCES tables.
  • dbio_total_count_, Dbio Total Count
  • dbio_fetch_seq_, Dbio Fetch Seq
  • dbio_fetch_size_, Dbio Fetch Size
  • dbio_affected_count_, Dbio Affected Count

ProBuilderConfig.xml configuration
In this section, we will configure the ProBuilderConfig.xml file contaning configuration settings for ProBuilder IDE. The file is located in the following folder.

%ProFrame root path%/config

Once you open the file, you will see some broken characters. Just find the following tags and change it as shown.
  • <inlogicalsuffix>In</inlogicalsuffix>
  • <outlogicalsuffix>Out</outlogicalsuffix>
  • <maplogicalsuffix>Map</maplogicalsuffix>
  • <messagelogicalsuffix>Msg</messagelogicalsuffix>
  • <pairDtoField array="" comments="" decimal="" fieldType="integer" length="10" logicalName="Dbio Affected Count" physicalName="dbio_affected_count_"/>
  • <pairDtoField array="" comments="" decimal="" fieldType="integer" length="5" logicalName="Dbio Fetch Size" physicalName="dbio_fetch_size_"/>
  • <pairDtoField array="" comments="" decimal="" fieldType="integer" length="5" logicalName="Dbio Fetch Seq" physicalName="dbio_fetch_seq_"/>
  • <pairDtoField array="" comments="" decimal="" fieldType="integer" length="10" logicalName="Dbio Total Count" physicalName="dbio_total_count_"/>
You can think the red characters of destroyed characters in the original file.

Upload the confiuration and restart JEUS server
Now, it is time to finish this configuration step by uploading onto the ProFrame server. The uploading will be done by run the file in the %ProFrame root path%/bin folder. Just input the following command at the folder.
If you see the uploading success message, the uploading is done successfully.
Then, restart your JEUS server.