Monday, November 24, 2008

Installation 4/6 - JDK installation

JDK package installation
Similar to other application, Ubuntu also provides the package information of the JDK. In this document, JDK 1.5 edition is recommended for the development environment since currently there are several issues in the ProFrame 4 Java installer.
To install the JDK 1.5 run the follwoing commands

apt-get install sun-java5-jdk

It will install the following packages in your computer:
  • sun-java5-bin
  • sun-java5-jre
  • sun-java5-jdk
  • sun-java5-demo

JDK path

JDK path is required when you install ProFrame. Therefore, let's figure out how can we get the path of JDK.

$ find -name "jvm"

It will show you two items. One is for the real path of the JDK and the other one is for the soft link of the path. Therefore, you can use the both as JDK. However, I strongly recommend using soft link since it is much easier to remember and desigened for indicating the real path.

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